Saturday, November 25, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Wind? No problem. Snow? Barely ever. Earthquakes? Once every twenty years or so and just not that bad, you know? But rain? Well, about 100 inches a year. You’d think we’d be used to it. But we drive like idiots, sliding all over the place and into everything (including each other). Streets flood. Fill dirt turns into roiling mud and tumbles its way down hills and into houses. Oh, and our sunken broadband cables? They short circuit. Or become water-logged. Or whatever the heck it is that makes me lose Internet every single time we get any substantial rain!

When my Internet goes bye-bye I feel like I’m missing my favorite TV show. I feel like I’ve lost my cell phone and I’m missing calls. Lots of them.

I try to project, when I’m away from the MG3K forum, that I’m living an exciting life with multiple projects and twenty-hour days full of design work, marketing decisions and painting $2400 paintings on the side. But... in reality... I was just sitting at home waiting for the drowned rat workers to tear up my drive way and fix my freaking cables.


P.S. OK, I did take the time to work on boosters, boxes and paintings... but, mostly, I just offered to the rats coffee. To make them work faster.