Friday, October 27, 2006

Look, Mom! No Board!

Thank all of you for your amazing patience and support while I've been away (from the forum especially). Yes, I can blog remotely by sending in my blogs by email but I've missed visiting the forum and talking with all of you. I missed reading the incredibly fun, unique and saucy "On the Waterfront" online RPG, too! I've become kinda addicted, I must admit.

I'm back now though (and Master Donny will lift the hiatus on the RPG). This time away really allowed me to think through the stumper of a problem about the game. That being: Should I develop a way to play the game without a board?

Most of you who are reading this blog already have your copy of the Starter Deck. It shipped between October 6 and October 9. The Limited deck is now in your hot little hands. You now see firsthand how important and exciting and exacting setting the board is. Every game you build a new board and that board informs and shapes all the play that comes after. "Building" the board is building the game. You see how much part of the game it is. But I'm really driven about this. I want to be able to give this to you. Play rules without a board. It saves space and a bit of time... and it creates a CCG experience more like what most of you are used to.

And guess what? I did it. With help from four excellent play-testers (Donny, Nick, Alison and Sarah), the rules envisioned, reworked, smoothed over and finalized. And you know what? They rock. They'll allow you to play without a board but without losing the importance of building the board. The Skills are still balanced. All cards are still used. I'm going to create a PDF with the rules and a few quick charts and post the URL at the forum. The download will be free, of course.

I want to add one small bit here and say thank you to everyone who helped make this possible. Down in Los Angeles: Donny, Nick, Ali, and Sarah, you guys were amazing and supportive. Back home in Washington: Launa and Chelyn, thanks for keeping the forum running smoothly; Jennifer and Cris, thanks for setting me "free" for these two weeks without worries that you'd need to call on me. All of you have given me a gift... and a gift to every MG3K player as well!

Thanks again, everyone. You all rock. I promise not to go away again any time soon.

Um... by the way... how many messages are waiting for me in my inbox? :::gulp:::
