Thursday, October 05, 2006

Counterfeit My Heart

I can’t believe I’m even having to write this blog. I was expecting maybe a small post on the forum months from now but not this. Robbery is the highest form of flattery? Spare me.

I appears that some of my more zealous (and entrepreneurial) play testers have kept their decks (which I might be able to look past... though they did sign an agreement to return them) long enough to sell singles to their local gaming stores or online. Not cool, folks. Grass roots buzz is one thing but selling Beta Deck cards is not okay. Here’s why:

1. It is stealing. You did not pay for the cards you are now profiting from. If you had purchased the cards, I would have no problem with you reselling them any where and to any who, you know?

2. The Beta Deck cards are set to a seven basis. The final game is set to a six basis. That means that the Beat Deck cards are not compatible. They will make characters that are too powerful to play fairly.

3. You were paid to play test in exchange for the agreement that you would return the Beta Decks. Did you return your check instead? Hm.

Okay. So, players out there? Be forewarned. There are false cards out there. Don’t get excited if you find a Mardi Gras 3000 Starter Deck in stores before October 10, 2006. The *real* decks ship on October 6. Here’s how to spot a Beta Deck (read: false) card:

1. The Grail has red wine or blood in it. The real Grail holds blue tears.

2. The URL on the back of any weapon, armor or character card must read: Also, the numbers are boxed in black.

3. There is basically no way to spot the difference between a Beta Deck or final deck Terrain and Lair card. Both Beta and final deck Terrain and Lairs can have either the above URL or Luckily, these cards are cross compatible.

It should go without saying that people shouldn’t sell or use tester cards. Likewise counterfeit cards (which can be created by anyone with access to a laser printer that can handle gloss cardstock or a quality print shop). I can’t stop you, of course, but I does suck for me if everyone is enjoying the game and I can’t pay my little old bills.

Thanks for looking for and only buying official cards, every one. It makes a difference.
