Thursday, May 17, 2007

Flint Makes Sparks

I’m getting a lot of email lately and you guys all know how I really do love to hear from players. My favorite emails fall into three categories:

1. Emails from hardcore CCG players telling me how they thought Basic MG3K play was fun but that Advanced MG3K play rocks their worlds and they’ve now sold all their MTG cards to pay for Instants (which right now you can get in boosters or as singles... the new redesign coming this summer will have all Instants and most characters randomly sold in 12 card booster packs).

2. Emails from young authors who have discovered the MG3K sourcebook (which is being reorganized and updated by MG3K universe expert and published fantasy author Launa Sorensen) and are intrigued by the ideas of immortals, mythology, culture, kick-butt Christians and awesome 4D aliens.

3. Emails from individuals who are (fill in any organized religion OR absolutely no religion at all) and who feel it is of vital importance that they tell me how very delusion I am :)

I promised my friend Gille (who is the OM—Online Manager—for MG3K) that I would write a blog that wasn’t at all about religion, and I’m going to do that right after I say:

The deal is this: No man (or tabloid) knows when the Second Coming will be. Period. The Scripture says so. Look it up. Also, no man knows the truth of God because man is flawed and interpretations are flawed and God is not flawed. Period. If any man lives according to the Word as he knows it and to the best of his heart, striving to be a better person, one that does not harm others or preach a personal doctrine of hatred, then that person is living in a Holy manner. I *personally* may believe in and accept more than that, but for me to accept someone as a fellow Christian, that is all I look for. Respect. Compassion. Self-control. I don’t look at their sexuality. I don’t look at their skin color. I don’t look at whether or not they believe in prophets after Christ. I don’t look at whether or not they attend daily, weekly or monthly organized services. Likewise, just because a person might wear a cross, preach a sermon, teach Sunday school, or not drink, swear, or do drugs, doesn’t mean, to me, that they’re a Christian.

Jennifer told me about a bumper sticker she saw: If going to church makes you a Christian, does standing in a garage make me a car?

I remind her of our favorite tee-shirt: What Would Jesus Do? He’d Kick Your Hypocritical Butt


Hey, folks! How about we kick it with a blog that has nothing to do with religion? I mean, come on, guys, cut me some slack, right? My mind can linger on matters of the soul for a while!

Hm... I think I just mentioned religion. Let me try again.


Yo, my loyal blog readers. What is *up* with the crazy weather in the Pacific North*wet*? What is going on with these chilly nights? I like to paint at night with the windows open. I tried. The paint congealed and froze on the pallet. I like to paint in my tank top and cut offs. By brown skin turned blue. I found myself sketching on the canvas instead. I sketched several very cold scenes. Punk rock polar bears. Blizzards. Burly, handsome men dressed in fuzzy parkas. You know. That kinda thing.

So, uh, anyway... LOL... I can’t keep this up! :D

The MG3K Fiction Forum is hopping right now. Really amazing stuff is happening. It’s worth it to logon and check out the awesome back stories for all those characters you’re playing with. There’s a lot happening all of sudden with MG3K. A whole team working on the RPG (oh, yes, you knew it was going to happen) and in-character blogs, as well as the deck and online game redesign. I’ve been named a “character expert” for Elijah, with rocks my world, and I would love some help. Any other folks out there who feel like they have a firm grip on the punky cool Elijah grrl? Or any other character, for that matter!

Come on over to the forum and share your ideas. We love new creative spark :)
