Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday on the Floor

Beat. Wild and raw. Bass in my bones. Dance is involuntary, autonomic call-and-response. I’m all full up of buzz – heart, mind, body - gotta burn it off somehow. Music in my blood. Movement on my mind. Baby... wish you were here.

The lights: Purple, blue strobes timed by the DJ. The darkness: Anonymous and safe. Master mix of techno and rock. Remix melds rhythms to carry the running beat.

I want your hands on my hips. Want to experience – like a tangible thing – that distance between us that can never be breached. Want your eyes on mine. To read your thoughts in time with the music. To whisper mine against your hair, make you laugh, bright and clear.

And when a blush colors you flattered and when the music redeems the realities of this life, I want to watch your eyes close briefly, fine lashes against cream cheeks. Want to dance all night – exhaustion impossible – and see dawn best in our hearts.