Friday, December 01, 2006

Oh, Heck...

I need to be careful what I blog. First I tell my secrets to the surfing world (instead of to a Chia Pet), then I scare a very loyal MG3K player! I will now post for the record: I do not swear.

At the end of my blog on 11/29, I joked about getting so mad about copyright infringement that I swear. Late last night, I got a very sincere and disappointed email from Julie C. in Los Angeles, California. Julie is an "avid MG3K player" and a "dedicated reader" of my blog, and she was dismayed to read that I swear.

Mind you, Julie, I don’t much mind others swearing, to be really honest, but I don’t myself. I have been known to say “freaking” (as in “This coffee is freaking incredible.”) and “flying fig” (as in “What in the flying fig were you thinking buying that plaid couch?”), but I’m just not a traditional swearing type of grrl. Sorry for my joke.

And, by the way, Julie, I’ve covered some kinda heavy-hitting stuff in my blog, especially for an eleven-year-old. Is your Mom cool with you tuning in? Whatever your answer, thanks for having the conviction to write me about the swearing issue. Keep sharing your opinions. I hear you.
